Emma Watson: Most Recommended Books | Ninth Books

6 min readJan 28, 2021


Who is Emma Watson?

Emma Watson is primarily recognized as an actor. She became extremely well-known after portraying Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. She has also appeared in films like Little Women, This Is the End, Beauty and the Beast, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

She had only performed in school productions up till Harry Potter. In 2014, she earned her degree in English literature from Brown University. She received the British Academy of Film and Television Arts’ British Artist of the Year award that same year.

Emma Watson has contributed to the cause of gender equality. Her selection as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador served to kick off the UN Women campaign HeForShe.

Emma Watson established her own online book club to support female authors from across the world. She has also been known to bury books for people to locate all over London.

How much does Emma Watson read?

At Brown University, Emma Watson majored in English literature, and she continues to enjoy reading now. During the coronavirus lockdown, she read four books and continued to participate in her online book group.

What is Emma Watson’s favorite book genre?

It’s challenging for Emma Watson to choose just one genre because she tends to enjoy and suggest a wide range of literary works.

Here are her comments on the novels she enjoys reading the most: “I like books that aren’t just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.”

Book One: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

What is Man’s Search for Meaning about?

In 1946, Viktor E. Frankl published Man’s Search for Meaning, a memoir of his time spent in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. However, the memoir only makes up a small portion of the book; the remainder describes Frankl’s logotherapy theory.

He mostly covers his life in the concentration camps from 1942 to 1945 in the first section of the book. He had resided in four separate camps throughout that time period after being relocated. The Auschwitz camp was one of those.

He loses his parents, wife, brother, and even his pregnant wife.

The second section of Frankl’s book contains a description of logotherapy.

Frankl defines logotherapy as the notion that while suffering is unavoidable, we have a choice in how we respond to it. When it comes to suffering, this man is no stranger.

People can learn from Viktor Frankl how to make sense of their pain and go forward with a fresh purpose. He makes the case that our priorities should be more on pursuing what we personally find meaningful than on seeking pleasure.

One of the ten most important books in America, Man’s Search for Meaning has sold over 10 million copies since its publication in 1946.

What does Emma Watson have to say about Man’s Search for Meaning?

Man’s Search for Meaning has received numerous recommendations from Emma Watson.

She spoke about Man’s Search for Meaning, “My friend gave me this book for Christmas, she is a psychiatrist, “Man’s Search for Meaning”. It’s a pretty heavy subject but surprisingly readable. It’s actually very short. I loved it! Some really good words of wisdom.”

Book Two: The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

What is The Queen of the Tearling about?

Erika Johansen’s novel The Queen of the Tearling centers on Princess Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, a young woman who was raised in exile and who enjoys reading and studying. She embarks on a voyage back to the castle where she was born on her eighteenth birthday in order to claim the kingdom as her own.

Queen Elyssa, her mother, is conceited and doesn’t appear to reign with a reason. Despite her inexperience, Kelsea wants to reign in a different way than her mother.

She also has some cunning plans in mind. She wears the Tearling sapphire, a precious object with tremendous magical power. The Queen’s Guard, a group of valiant knights led by Lazarus, is also by her side. Her adversaries are attempting to keep her from ever achieving the throne, thus she needs this defense.

She discovers something about the capital that will change everything for her, despite the fact that she still feels like a child. In a bold move, Kelsea sets the Red Queen, the terrible ruler of the neighboring kingdom Mortmesne, free.

Whom can Kelsea rely on to assist in saving her kingdom?

What does Emma Watson have to say about The Queen of the Tearling?

Emma Watson actually decided she wanted to get involved in making the movie adaptation of The Queen of the Tearling because she loved the novel so much. She is the executive producer of the movie in addition to having a role in it.

Regarding the book and movie, she stated the following: “I had kind of said I would never do a franchise again, so I was desperate to hate it. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep for about a week because I couldn’t put the bloody thing down. It would be fair to say I became obsessed with the role and the book. Now I am executive-producing it.”

Book Three: Quiet by Susan Cain

What is Quiet about?

Susan Cain’s nonfiction book Quiet is about introverts. According to Cain, the third of individuals we know are introverts. An introvert is someone who values listening more than speaking. However, this does not imply that they are reserved or socially awkward. Examples include creatives who detest self-promotion or those who prefer working alone rather with a group.

Numerous well-known people, including Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Rosa Parks, were introverts.

Emma sees herself as a quiet person.

Susan Cain thinks that as a culture, we undervalue and underappreciate introverts. She contends that introverts are responsible for many of the greatest human accomplishments.

Susan Cain explains the recent growth of the Extrovert Ideal and how it spread throughout society in her book Quiet. She proceeds to demonstrate that being an introvert need not prevent you from achieving your objectives by giving us several further instances of successful introverts.

The book by Susan Cain, which will alter the way you perceive introverts and provide a window into how they see themselves, shines fresh light on them.

What does Emma Watson have to say about Quiet?

Quiet was highlighted in an interview by Emma Watson.

In the conversation, she says, “Quiet discusses how extroverts in our society are bigged up so much, and if you’re anything other than an extrovert you’re made to think there’s something wrong with you. That’s like the story of my life. Coming to realize that about myself was very empowering, because I had felt like, ‘Oh my god, there must be something wrong with me, because I don’t want to go out and do what all my friends want to do.’”

She has previously mentioned being an introvert, saying, “It’s interesting, because people say things to me like, ‘It’s really cool that you don’t go out and get drunk all the time and go to clubs,’ and I’m just like, I mean, I appreciate that, but I’m kind of an introverted kind of person just by nature, it’s not like a conscious choice that I’m making necessarily. It’s genuinely who I am.”

Emma Watson: Book Recommendation List

Emma has a book club of her own and reads every day. She frequently gives book recommendations.

Here are some of Emma Watson’s book recommendations:

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
Quiet by Susan Cain




Written by alexlovesh2o

We are human. We are equal. Architect, engineer, and custodian at teatreevalley.com

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